Sabine Kraml :: about Physics


My research interest concentrates on new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. I work in particular on the collider (mostly LHC) phenomenology of the Higgs boson and of supersymmetric (SUSY) particles, as well as on dark matter candidates.

A brief CV: after my PhD in theoretical particle physics at the Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in Vienna, Austria, I spent six years as a postdoc in the Theory Division of CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2007, I got a permanent research position of the French CNRS and moved to LPSC in Grenoble, France, where I am since.

    Curriculum vitae: [pdf]
  List of publications: [inSPIRE] [Google Scholar]
  Public tools: SModelS and Lilith

Some current activities

Outreach / featured in

Other (past) activities

Activities beyond physics can be found on my private pages.

Links: For the general public

The Elegant Universe

The Supersymmetric World

Links: For students / physicists

home - private

Sabine Kraml LPSC Grenoble phone: (+33)(0)4 76 28 40 52 53 Av. des Martyrs fax: (+33)(0)4 76 28 40 04 F-38026 Grenoble email: France url: